We are the Maker Generation
XYZ building together a shared vision for the future
We've got a top notch team!
Here to build exceptional experiences
A real social innovator who enjoys helping others in digital marketing and business development. Lead a startup school where he guided teams through the initial learning process from idea to execution. Also participated in various incubation programs around the world. His reality and practical mind helps see things from a different perspective.
Having spent 10 years in fast-changing corporate business environment, she understands the trade-offs required to find true work-life balance in the big city. She is now going through
a major change in life. Looking for engaging conversations to stimulate change and help participants along the way.
Ran an award-winning digital marketing agency. Founded a Social Impact Training Program in 3 locations, with over 300 graduates. Worked with dozens of multinational corporations where he realized that within those companies many employees are frustrated and have inwardly already quit.
Our Manifesto
Here are eighteen things that we believe CoChange has an answer to. These beliefs motivate our approach towards looking at the world realistically and with hope to guide our path to a joyful life.
Corporate work culture is broken
The way we work doesn’t really seem to be working. In a healthy environment, people talk about what's working and what isn't. In a broken cultured company, they talk about who to blame for the problems instead. 83% of workers say they’re stressed about their jobs and nearly 50% say work-related stress is interfering with their sleep.
“We are reaching our limits. People working with big corporations can’t stand their jobs,” Tanaka wrote in a Huffington Post blog on Dec. 16. 2017 “People want out. They want to drop everything. Take a look how many people are willing to risk entrepreneurship, people leaving on sabbaticals, people with work-related depression, people experiencing burnout.”
We’re reaching a tipping point in the sense that this is no longer sustainable. What we’re trying to do is change the conditions of work that are creating the stress. While yoga and meditation are scientifically proven to reduce stress levels, these programs do little to target the root causes of burnout and disengagement in corporations.
People thrive in their jobs and become more fully engaged when they are given autonomy. And this exactly is our goal. To make you thrive!
Low barriers to entry to start a business 👩🏻💻👨🏽💻
Advancements in digital tools have drastically lowered the barriers to becoming an entrepreneur. It can allow determined small teams to develop new product and service ideas and test them at low cost.
Purpose 🎬
For most of us it is a thing we build, not a thing we find.
So how do we find purpose? We do everything with purpose and try to be resourceful.
Movement 💯
Organizations of the future are filled with smart, fast, flexible people on a mission. And we are all here to practice that.
It’s common for people today to have multiple careers in their lifetimes. We have seen many people who recently left a successful corporate career to found a startup.
Our economy is shifting from farms to factories to ideas 💡
And we are here to capitalize on that by empowering each other to become remarkable.
Let's be at our most ambitious 🚀
Knowledge is at the forefront of the upcoming transformation of work. We are building CoChange to give ambitious people the tools they need to capitalize on by deliberate practice and to embrace new ways of working.
Transparency 👌
Transparency drives performance, task ownership, accountability and better communication.
We believe in collaboration, not competition 🤝
Everybody is an expert at something. Success is a skill and every skill is learnable by practice, through this seven-step process: 1. Attitude 2. Approach 3. Goals 4. Strategy 5. Tactics 6. Execution 7. Analysis and iteration
Four Day Workweek 🙏🏽
Coming from a relentless corporate and startup environment in the past, we were regularly burnt out and was unable to work at our maximum productivity. Learning from these lessons we implemented a 4-day workweek.
To reshape your life, reshape your environment 🏝
When you learn how to change your environment you are then empowered to become whoever you want to be.
Don’t wait for perfect ⛄️
Test your ideas. Learn and respond. Waiting for perfect is never as smart as making progress.
Values drive all organizational life 🎯
Values are the most powerful markers of what is real in our experience. Creating intentional-motivational states.
We force ourselves to learn without guides or outside support 🥢
When learning a new skill it's easy to rely on tutorials and guides to help start the process. Downside is we won't be solving problems on our own. To learn, we need to fail to become resourceful. Science writer Annie Murphy Paul calls this productive failure.
Reframing problems 🎲
Looking at things from a different perspective, reframing is how designers get unstuck. We believe the best approach to solve a problem is to take a step back and consider the alternatives. So reframing is the process of turning a problem into a challenge. And that's what I call an opportunity.
We like to ask hard questions 🔮
Most of the time, these are the questions that matter. We believe that critical thinking is essential for deep understanding, effective learning and productive living.
We believe in real-world experiences 🖼
Making experiments is an immersive, learning-focused approach that engages with learners of all backgrounds and experience levels.
We believe that big breakthroughs happen when 💥
- we gain confidence and clarity
- we get challenged and remove mental limitations
- we are inspired & take inspired action
- we make mistakes - an essential part of learning (where 1 failure = 1/10 success)
- we start thinking bigger
- we receive unconditional support
- we share this experience we call life
The goal of learning is to choose what to change 🌈
The world’s becoming bigger and smaller at the same time. You need to try & learn every step of the way.
"Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you should set up a life you don't need to escape from."from the words of my favorite digital smith: Seth Godin
Our Goal
Making others successful and demystifying entrepreneurship
Past programs we've done
And our favorite: a Social Impact Training Program established in 3 cities with 300+ participants
Award-winning Digital Marketing Agency with a Learning Modul in Social Media
Pesthajnal | daystarter party
We thought we would reinvent the way people party, so we started at 6:30am
at unique places. It turned out to be a 300 people event every month - so we continued
Six Successful Programs
We’ve incubated startups and worked with corporate refugees in the past. Hear from past participants who have started new careers and businesses they are proud of:
"It's for anyone with an open mind, who wants an authentic connection with likeminded people. For those starting their journey, you'll find amazing wisdom and hands-on methodology to level up."
"This was what this program gave me, a community where inspirational, creative people were thinking together, motivated each other, and were celebrating their successes together. It was powerful and helped me realize that we really need the right people around us to believe in and achieve our goals."
Projects we've helped
Projects that became known
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”
– Steve Jobs
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- Contact Us
Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.
We believe in hyper transparency
See how your investment will be spent
Resources you get
You'll get marketing automation tools to do websites, workflows, triggered messages, engagement tracking, behavioral targeting, social monitoring & so on
Just do what you want!
When was the last time you said that to yourself?
What would it be like to finally reach your goal of independence?
Picture yourself
When was the last
time you completely
stepped out of your
Imagine a life where all your
time is spent on the things
you want to do
Say goodbye to stress
Our job is to find the disconnected and connect them
Still have questions?
Let's hop on a video call. We'd love to hear your thoughts & answer your questions right now

My goal is impact and my metric is learning | Ivangelist © 2021 Made with passion in Budapest & Koh Chang(e) | Designed for Social Impact | Photo credits Unsplash | Plug&Play website credits strikingly