CoChange is not for everyone
CoChange is something entirely new. A conscious business collective. It’s a new way to gather, to learn, to build, to grow, to share, to collaborate and excel together.
To build meaning and impact on a level that is near-impossible to attain by working alone.
This is why the following mindsets are important to us - they shape people's happiness level, motivations and success!
Learning is central
Positive mindset is key
Practice makes perfect
Amazing is never alone
Open communication
We learn fast
This isn't just a holiday
Only looking for an online course on modern marketing?
We really recommend taking Seth Godin's course, The Marketing Seminar
Do you know someone who:
- desperately wants to get unstuck,
- deserves a week steam-off,
- might be interested in CoChange?
Recommend us to them and get co-karma points
It's ok if we are not a perfect match - there are heaps of other programs that might work for you
So we collected like-minded retreats all with a different angle that you might like:
Summercamp is the annual celebration of the incredible community we're building at The Happy...A new way to accelerate your business Imagine an entrepreneur bootcamp, run by hard-ass,...Not Ready Yet?
Sign up to receive our curated Good Reads helping you quit the 9-to-5 treadmill
My goal is impact and my metric is learning | Ivangelist © 2021 Made with passion in Budapest & Koh Chang(e) | Designed for Social Impact | Photo credits Unsplash | Plug&Play website credits strikingly